Sunday, August 14, 2005

One lap of America

The smart car tour 2005 completed 8,984 miles in 35 days - Toronto, Chicago, St Louis, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque, Gallup, Flagstaff, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Regina, Winnipeg and back to Toronto.
Actually the best places were the small towns like Galena, Kansas; Texola, Oklahoma and Frank, Alberta. Route 66 is everything it is cracked up to be - I could do it again tomorrow. I was in kitsch heaven - Americana run riot - old cars, motels, neon signs and petrolenia (gas-station accessories). Do you want fries with that?
Thanks to all the well-wishers on the way, including in the UK, and for the kind hospitality we received from family and friends. More pictures to follow but this one from Mount Rainier (say it Ran-ear) in Washington state captures the spirit of the trip.

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