Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Greedy Greene King turns nasty

The argument at the Lewes Arms in Lewes, East Sussex over the sale of Harvey's beer has gone sour. Greedy King have yanked the local Harvey's beer, on sale in the pub since anyone can remember, and customers be damned. Just in time for Christmas the greedy Suffolk conglomerate has decided to play scrooge.
But just who is responsible for this sickening behaviour:

Rooney Anand, GK chief executive, knows more about cake mixes, it seems, than respecting the traditions of British beer. Allegedly Greedy King know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Now loyal customers of the pub have launched a boycott. The Suffolk accountants shall not pass. More power to their elbow!
See Friends of the Lewes Arms blog.
See also Viva Lewes Issue 50 for update, also comment by Charles Wycherley [separate article]:
Favourite pub? "The Lewes Arms. But I think I’ll boycott it now they’re not serving Harveys. I’ll probably go to the Elephant now."
More from The Argus.
The Sussex Express.
The Morning Advertiser here and here.
Updated: The Publican.


Anonymous said...

Lewes wun't be druv!

I have a sneaky suspicion though that Greene King will welcome the boycott and then turn it into a trendy pub with a new client base.

But Lewes is Lewes it won't work :)

BookLoverMC said...

This is an outrage!!! Man the torpedoes!!